Design thinking provides a framework for innovation

In a world simultaneously shrinking and getting more complex, creative innovation holds the key to survival. Design thinking methodology offers a flexible framework for that innovation to take place.

Design thinking is a human-centric process

Change and innovation are both messy processes, and design thinking provides a broad human-centric scaffolding to first locate the problem areas, explore solutions, rapidly reiterate them, then test and validate ideas. It can be extrapolated to any industry, taking into account unique ecosystems, and the diverse needs of the stakeholders in the system.

Amplify offers customized design thinking workshops

Amplify offers design thinking workshops for entrepreneurs, start-ups and social enterprises. Workshops are customized for specific industries and topics covered include:

  • Aligning internal teams to achieve organizational goals
  • Enabling entrepreneurs create viable roadmaps for their businesses
  • Preparing businesses for the customer base of the future
  • Making existing applications more customer friendly by using a heuristic review process

Experienced and certified workshop facilitator

Deepa Kamath has nearly 30 years of wide-ranging and eclectic experience as a creative team manager and a hands-on designer. Additionally, she is a LUMA certified Design Thinking Practitioner who uses their tried and tested methods during the process.


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